Aerospace coatings

Getting the best aerospace coatings for your products is a priority for you, so it’s a priority for us. Our coatings are made up of technically superior high solid acrylic, polyurethane and silicone high heat topcoats. There are all applied to military fighter, helicopters and engines.

One example of staff working with such coating for a high profile client was the work we completed for Petard Joyce Loebl Ltd. The outer casting of an LCD display is needed along with the front needing to be wet painted. All of the work was carried out by our highly professional and experienced staff.

Interior and exterior coatings include visible camouflage, Chemical Agent Resistant Coatings (CARC), infrared reflective, thermal IR, conductive and anti-static coatings.

If you would like further details about our aerospace coating services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on 0191 438 6612. A member of our friendly and high skilled team will answer any query you may have.